Most of what
we know about slave attire in Pennsylvania comes
to us by way of runaway notices posted to the
Pennsylvania Gazette. Between its
establishment in 1728 and the end of the
century, thousands of such notices had been
posted -- rather indicative of a mjor ongoing
Some sample
excerpts from 1794 and 1795 depicting garments
"had on when he went away, a brown coloured
hunting-shirt, under jacket with strings to it,
and trowsers of the same, a pair of course tow
trowsers, and a linen shirt."
"had on and took with him, a new mixture linsey
coat, and under jacket of the same, a striped
jacket of linen, blue and white stripes, two
pair of trowsers, a pair of yellow linsey, and a
pair of striped cassimer, two pair of stockings,
one pair of pale blue yarn, ribbed, the other
black wollen yarn, a new pair of shoes, a new
high crowned hat, bound with black tape."
"had on when
he went away, a blue sailor jacket lined
with white flannel, a linsey under
jacket, striped brown linsey trowsers,
Russia sheeting shirt, two pair of
stockings, one pair blue, the other
brown, calfskin shoes, and an old wool
"had on when he went away, a light
coloured cloth short coat, a striped
pattern under jacket, a fine shirt, and
a tow linen ditto, two pair of trowsers,
one pair of black and white striped
cotton, the other pair tow linen, a pair
of black and white speckled cotton
stockings, and a pair of light coloured
worsted ditto, coarse leather shoes, and
an old fine hat." |
"had on, when he went away, a white coattee and
red waistcoat, olive coloured trowsers half
worn, felt hat, and slipskin shoes."