
Into the Public Domain:
Whether it's a long-lost recipe for opposum stew, or a snippet
of anguished verse that cries out to your very soul, such
vignettes from our cherished past are routinely to be found
within the archives of local county historical societies. Yet
as Jefferson has intimated, their magnificent value is
inevitably lost when they are fenced away only for the benefit
of the few.
It was at my local historical association archive where I
happened to chance upon the Dupui Ledger, arguably among the
oldest trading post/ general store ledgers in the nation... and
yes, it took a while, but I ultimately came to terms with the
duty to make a much broader audience aware of the historical
significance of this singular unpublished manuscript.
Admittedly, I am not a professional historian. I cannot boast
of any scholarly credentials. Accordingly, the reader is duly
forewarned that all commentary and analysis offered on these
pages, as an adjunct to the ledger itself, should necessarily be
subjected to a healthy dollop of skeptical scrutiny. In time,
the community of historians will eventually weigh in on this
national treasure; until then, I humbly offer you a starting
point to re-examine and re-evaluate our unique frontier history.
Danny L. Younger |